Septic Company in Navajo County, AZ

If you live in the Navajo County area, you’ve likely heard of the septic company responsible for your healthy water. If you don’t know us, you will soon after reading this article.

A septic system is a home drainage system that collects waste from the house and turns it into liquid, so it doesn’t pollute the groundwater or soil. The good news is that with Mountain Septic Solutions in Navajo County, we can take care of any problems with your existing septic system rather than replace it with an expensive new one.

Septic Company in Navajo County, AZ 

Septic Tank Installs and Services

Septic tank systems are a simple way to handle wastewater from your home. The process allows wastewater from sinks, showers, and washing machines to drain directly into the ground.

It keeps your home free of odors and waste while limiting the risk of wastewater entering lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water. However, these systems can be challenging to install or use. That’s why you must understand what goes into installing one in your home.

Percolation Testing and Design

Mountain Septic Solutions specializes in percolation testing and design. This process involves using pressure to determine how much water will seep through soil or material. It’s an essential step in developing any soil remediation project, as it allows our professionals to see where there are problems and how to fix them.

We send high-pressure levels through the soil and see how long water seeps through it. If there are any problems with the system, it will let us know early on so that we can fix them before they become worse problems.

Mountain Septic Solutions can perform percolation tests replacing yours with one from the company. We can also perform these tests on your land before construction starts so that you know what kind of soils need extra attention during construction.

Septic Installation and Repair

With a septic tank, you may be curious about what happens if it becomes clogged or overflows. It is essential to know that a septic system can fail for many reasons, the most common being due to water absorption into the system. The result is increased pressure, which causes your septic system to fail. Mountain Septic Solutions experts can help you prevent this by providing a reliable service that will fix your septic tank problem quickly and efficiently.

Septic tanks hold waste until removal through a drain field at the bottom of your property. Mountain Septic Solutions experts will be able to assess whether or not your tank is working correctly and if it needs to be repaired or replaced. We can then provide you with an estimate regarding the cost of repairs or replacing your drain field so that you can make an informed decision regarding whether or not it makes sense for you to invest in these upgrades now.

Additionally, our septic installation service experts can help you determine what kind of system you want. That is, a new one or an upgrade? Mountain Septic Solutions specializes in delivering top-quality service at affordable prices.

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What Is a Percolation Test?

A percolation test measures the soil’s absorption rate and determines if the soil can support an underground sewage disposal system.

The percolation threshold is the minimum amount of water that must be present in a channel before it can percolate across its surface. Percolation tests are conducted by filling tubes with water and injecting them into boxes containing different concentrations of salt solution. When filled with liquid, the tubes act as barriers, and no more salt solution can flow through them. If there is no flow, then no salt will flow through channels; if there is flow, some salt will flow through pipelines.

Septic Company in Navajo County, AZ

How Often Should a Septic Tank Be Pumped?

Your septic tank’s need for pumping relies on how much you use it and some factors, such as

  • The size of the tank
  • The number of occupants
  • The amount of water utilized
  • The kind of waste disposed
  • Amount of particles in the tank

It would be best to start pumping the tank when the solids are at two-thirds of their capacity. However, the best way to determine how often you should pump your septic tank is by running tests on the tank. You can also ask around and see what other people in your area are doing with their septic tanks.

If your tank has been pumped once every few years and then again last year, this can be a sign that there is a problem and that you need professional septic services more frequently.

What Are the Signs of Septic Tank Failure?

You don’t want to deal with any issues if your house has a septic system. But if you notice anything that seems off about your septic system, it’s essential to take action and get it checked out.

Here are some things that can indicate a septic tank failure:

  • No water is running through the drain field. It might result from an overflowing tank, which could clog the drain field.
  • Even in dry conditions, there is lush, vibrant green grass over the drain field or septic tank.
  • A strong smell from your yard or basement could indicate a blockage in the drain field.
  • A loss of water pressure at your home’s main faucet could mean no more water coming into your house from outside sources like a well or municipal water supply system.
  • Gurgling sounds from your septic drains or when you flush your toilet.
  • Blooms of algae near the drain fields

Need a Septic Company in Navajo County, AZ?

If you need a septic company in Navajo County, AZ, you’ve come to the right place. At Mountain Septic Solutions, we’re experts in providing quality septic services. We can help you with everything from installation to maintenance to repair. We also have a wide range of septic tanks, pumps, and services available so that you can select the one that best meets your needs.

Look no further than Mountain Septic Solutions! Contact us today or visit our website for more information.

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